January 13, 2022
Insights: Team Agility Dashboard Growth Item Filter Enhancement
Previously, Growth Items in the Leadership Dimension of the TeamHealth Radar were grouped together in the Growth Item Widgets on the Insights: Team Agility Dashboard, regardless of their related Competency. We have enhanced the Growth Items Widgets so when you filter by Competency, any Growth Item relating to Leadership will now be broken out by Competency to match the radar.
You can now view Growth Items for Team Facilitator Leadership vs. Management Leadership vs. Technical Lead(s) Leadership vs. Product Owner Leadership when you filter each widget by Competency.
Growth Item Status Update
Based on customer feedback, we added a status option to Growth Items called "Committed". This status could be selected when a team, multi-team, or enterprise team has committed to a Growth Item but is not yet ready to move the item into the "In Progress" status.
You can see the Committed status in the Status column of any Grid View of Growth Items.
You can also add a new Committed column to any Kanban View of Growth Items.
To add the Committed column, click the Settings icon at the top right on the Kanban Board and check the box for Committed. Click Okay to save your change and return to the Kanban Board.