March 21, 2024
Info: AgilityHealth releases enhancements, new features, and bug fixes every Wednesday at 5 PM CT. Any items our customers should be aware of are posted on Thursdays. Not all weeks will have customer-facing items; no release notes will be posted.
Growth Items Dashboard
To aid in filtering growth items more easily, two new columns have been added as options on the Growth Items Dashboard. You can now add a column for 'Dimension' and a column for 'Sub-Dimension'.
To add the new columns, click on the arrow next to any column title and select Columns from the dropdown. Click to add Dimension and Sub-Dimension.
These columns will display which Dimension and Sub-Dimension the Competency Target selected in the Growth Item belongs to. If there is more than one Competency Target selected in a Growth Item, the first one in the list will be used to determine the Dimension and Sub-Dimension shown in the columns.
Learn more about the Growth Items Dashboard.