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April 20, 2023

Info: AgilityHealth releases enhancements and new features, along with bug fixes, every Wednesday at 5 PM CT. Any items our customers should be aware of are posted on Thursdays. Not all weeks will have customer-facing items; no release notes will be posted on those weeks.

Business Outcomes: New Card Highlight and Card Order

On the Business Outcomes Dashboard, when you create a new outcome card, the card will have a highlight around it. This highlight will remain until you open an outcome card or add another card. 


When you create an outcome card, it will automatically be the first card in the column it was created in. You can reorder outcome cards in a column simply by clicking on and dragging the card into a new position. Cards can only be reordered in their current column.


Learn more about using outcome cards

Teams: Alphabeticized Tags

We have alphabetized the team tags your company has available in each dropdown list in the Team Tags section seen when creating or editing a team. 


A team can have several Tags which will affect how they are displayed on the Teams Dashboard and allow for better filtering of results when rolled up with other teams into programs, product lines, portfolios, or across the entire organization.

These Tags are customizable for every company so you may need to work with your Company Admin for guidance on how Tags are being used by your organization. Learn more about Team Tags here

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