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How do I change Talent Development Assessment start and end dates and times?

The start and end dates and times for an assessment are set by whoever creates the assessment and launches it in AgilityInsights®. The start date is when the assessment opens for responses and the end date is when the assessment closes for responses. Access to assessment results and the ability to create growth items and build a growth plan are not affected by the start and end dates and times. 

You can edit the end date and time after they have passed in order to reopen the assessment and allow for additional assessment submissions via the Edit Assessment page.

To get there, from the Teams Dashboard, simply click on the avatar or name of the team whose assessment you wish to edit. Once on the team's assessments dashboard, hover over the radar for the assessment you wish to edit and click the blue pencil icon.

For talent development assessments, there is a roll-up radar image and also individual radar images for each Participant in the assessment. Hover over the correct radar image and click the pencil icon to Edit. 


For talent development assessments, once you are inside the roll-up or batch assessment, you can change the start and end dates and times of the assessment.


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