How do I create and launch Talent Development Assessments?
After creating a team of Participants, you are now ready to create their talent development assessment.
Add a Talent Development Assessment
Click on a team's avatar or name on the Teams Dashboard that has a work type of Group of Individuals. This will take you to the team's assessments dashboard. The toggle in the upper right corner is set to Talent Development, which will allow you to see any previous talent development assessments set up for this team.
To create a new talent development assessment for this team, click the green Add an Assessment button and the modal for creating an assessment will appear. Choose Talent Development and click Add Assessment.
Create Talent Development Assessment Navigation
During the process of creating a talent development assessment, the top navigation will remain intact. Here you can delete the assessment, save the assessment as a draft and exit the assessment. These options are available once you have moved to the second step of creation, the Add Reviewers step.
If you click Delete, a pop-up asking you to confirm your deletion will appear.
If you click Save as Draft or exit the assessment by clicking the X, the assessment will save as a draft on the team's assessments dashboard. You will see a roll-up radar that will contain all the team's results, once they have completed the assessment. You will also see a radar image for each Participant's individual assessment. You are able to tell if assessments are in draft mode due to the gray dot to the right of the projected start date below the radar images for the individual team members.
You will be able to finish and publish the team's assessments by hovering over the roll-up radar (the first radar in the group) and clicking the pencil icon to edit the entire assessment.
Create Assessment Screen
Once you are on the Create Assessment page, you will choose the Assessment Type from the drop-down, enter the Assessment Title, choose the Assessment Start Date/Time and End Date/Time, and enter the Point of Contact's name and email address.
Assessment Type:
The available talent development assessments will display in this drop-down list. Once you have selected the assessment type, a Preview Assessment link will appear. This link will open an additional window when clicked with a preview of the assessment questions.
Assessment Name:
Enter a distinguishable name to the Participants and Reviewers, such as Product Owner Baseline Q1 2021 or Scrum Master First Half of 2021. Choose a name that will make sense when the Participants and Reviewers receive the email with the assessment link. If this team takes this assessment multiple times, you will find a distinguishable name useful when you need to find a specific assessment's results easily. Please do not use special characters in the name.
Assessment Start Date/Time:
Choose the launch date for the assessment. Click on the calendar icon and a pop-up calendar will appear. This date determines when the Participants and Reviewers receive the assessment via email.
Click on the time or the clock icon to change the time of day the Participants and Reviewers will receive the assessment via email.
Assessment End Date/Time:
Choose the End Date/Time for the assessment. Click on the calendar icon and a pop-up calendar will appear. The date you choose is the time the assessment will close to all Participants and Reviewers. After that date, the assessment will be closed and no new responses can be gathered.
Point of Contact:
The Point of Contact person will be listed on emails sent to both the Participants and Reviewers taking the assessment, in case they have questions. This person should be prepared to answer questions that the Participants or Reviewers may have about the assessment or AgilityInsights®.
Once you have filled out this screen, click Next to move to the Add Reviewers screen.
Add Reviewers Screen
On this screen, you can add Reviewers to provide feedback to the Participants. Participants are listed for you automatically - these are the team members for this team. You can also allow Participants to invite their own Reviewers and view their own results. View their own results is checked by default, to allow Participants to see their assessment results in AgilityHealth.
Add Additional Participants:
If you would like to add another Participant who is not already listed in the Participants and Reviewers section, click the blue Add Participants button.
A pop-up will appear for you to fill out, allowing you to select from AgilityHealth users assigned to your company outside of the existing team members. Participants you add here will be added in the Participants and Reviewers section of this assessment, and also to the team roster for future assessments.
Select the user's email from the dropdown and the First and Last Name fields will auto-populate. You can add Participant Group(s) to be used in filtering results as well. Talent Development assessments do not use Participant Roles so no role needs to be added. Click Select or if you need to add more Participants, click Select and Add Another.
If you would like to add a Participant to this assessment who is not already an AgilityHealth user, type in their email address into the email field and click on Create 'your email here'.
The modal will change to say Add New Participant at the top and populate the email address you entered in the Email field. Fill in the First and Last Name fields, select one or more Participant Group(s), and click Save.
You will then see the new Participant in the Participants and Reviewers list of this assessment. The Participant has now also been added to the team as a member and will receive an email to create their AH account after they complete their assessment. When creating Talent Development assessments for this team in the future, the team member you just added will appear on the list each time.
Edit or Delete a Participant:
You can edit or delete a Participant by using the icons in their row in the Action column. The pencil icon is for editing, the trash can icon is for deleting. Participants do not need a Role for a talent development assessment so that column will be empty. Be sure to add Participant Group(s) to your Participants used for filtering results later.
Choosing What Participants Can Do:
You can choose options for Participants by checking one or two of the checkboxes in the 'Participants can' section.
If you would like the Participants to be able to invite their own Reviewers, in addition to whom you select for them, check the Invite their own Reviewers box. If this box is checked, when the assessment is launched on the start date and time you chose, the Participants will receive an email with a link to their assessment, as well as a message to log into AgilityHealth and invite their own Reviewers.
If you would like the Participants to be able to view their results inside AgilityHealth, leave the View their own results box checked. If this box is not checked, the Participant will need to review their results with someone who has access to them, such as a Viewer or Company Admin. You will choose Viewers on the next screen.
Add Reviewers:
For each Participant listed under Participants and Reviewers, you can choose to add Reviewers. A Reviewer will receive an email with a link to the assessment and be asked to take the assessment, providing feedback on a particular Participant but will not have access to AgilityHealth.
You can add different Reviewers for each Participant or the same Reviewers for each. If a Reviewer is listed for multiple Participants, the email the Reviewer receives will include a link to an assessment for each Participant that they were added to.
Use the carrot to expand and collapse the list of Participants and Reviewers.
Add Reviewers One by One
When you click the blue + icon next to Add/Remove Reviewers, a pop-up will appear. Here you can type in the search box to search for a Reviewer who is in your AgilityHealth company director already.
Check the box to the left of each Reviewer you want to add for this Participant. Then click the Save button to add them as Reviewers to the Participant and return to the main screen.
To create a Reviewer that does not already exist in your company's AgilityHealth directory, click the Create New Reviewer link in the upper right-hand corner of the Add/Remove Reviewers pop-up. Reviewers will not be given an AgilityHealth account if added here and will not have access to assessment results.
If a Role is not assigned to the Reviewer, they will be asked to choose one as part of the assessment-taking process. A Role, in this case, represents their relationship to the Participant they are reviewing, such as, they are the Participant's Manager/Leader, Peer, Customer, etc.
After you have entered their information, click the blue Create button to return to the Add Reviewers screen. The newly created Reviewer will now be on the list and the box next to their name will be checked. Click Save to return to the main screen.
You will see the Reviewers you have added appear under the Participant you previously selected in the Participants and Reviewers section. The names in blue are Participants, and the names in white are their Reviewers. Repeat this process for each Participant.
You can edit a Reviewer by using the icons in their row in the Action column. The pencil icon is for editing and the trash can icon is for deleting.
Reviewers do not have Participant Groups so that column will be empty.
Bulk Upload Many Reviewers
You can also upload Reviewers in bulk, through an Excel template we provide. Click the download icon next to the Upload Participants/Reviewers button to download the template. The template will be blank, even if you already have Participants and Reviewers for this assessment.
Find the downloaded file on your computer and open it in Excel. The first three columns, A-C, are for your Participants. Enter their first name, last name, and email address exactly as they are listed in AgilityHealth. The next three columns, D-F, are for Reviewers. To add more than one Reviewer for a Participant, you will need to fill out columns A-C again for the Participant, then add the next Reviewer's information in columns D-F. For example, if a Participant has three Reviewers, you will need to enter the Participant's information in columns A-C three times and then add each Reviewer's information one time in columns D-F. The Reviewer Roles in column G must be entered exactly to match the roles available in AgilityHealth for Reviewers. If you do not know what roles are available, you can upload this file with column G blank and then edit each Reviewer individually to pick their role once your upload has been completed.
Once you have finished filling out the spreadsheet, be sure to save your changes. Then click the Upload Participants/Reviewers button and find the file on your computer to upload.
If the file is missing information, has incorrect information or you have tried to populate a role for a Reviewer that does not exist for your company, you will receive a pop-up message explaining the errors. You can download this error log into Excel.
When the upload has been completed, Reviewers will be populated for their correlated Participants. In a Reviewer's row click the pencil icon to edit the reviewer, or the trash can icon to delete them. Reviewers do not have Participant Groups so that column will be empty.
Once you have finished adding Reviewers for your Participants, click Next to go to the Invite Viewers screen.
Invite Viewers
On the Invite Viewers screen, you can decide who can view assessment results (besides the Participants). You decided if the Participants could see their results on the previous screen.
On this screen, you'll be choosing other individuals that can see the assessment results. These could be Reviewers or could be other individuals who are not providing feedback on the Participants but are interested in the results. A Viewer must already have an AgilityHealth account.
A Viewer will not receive any email notifications regarding this assessment. They will be granted the access you choose in their AgilityHealth account after the assessment has been published. Viewers will not see draft assessments.
You can type in the email of the Viewers you would like to be able to see all of the Participant's assessment results and an aggregate roll-up of all the team's results. Type those email addresses in the Individual and Aggregate box. A directory of users assigned to your company in AgilityHealth will become available as you type.
If you have some Viewers who would only like to see the aggregate roll-up of all the team's results, type their email addresses in the Aggregate box. A directory of users assigned to your company in AgilityHealth will become available as you type.
Once you have finished adding Viewers, click Next to Review & Publish your assessment.
Review and Publish Screen
On the Review and Publish Screen, you can review the Assessment details, Participants, Reviewers, and Viewers. Click the carrot icon next to each section to expand the section and click the pencil icon to edit that section. To publish your assessment, click the blue Publish button!
The Participants and Reviewers you selected will receive emails with links to take the assessment on the Start Date at the Start Time you chose when creating the assessment.