How do I create and/or edit a team for Talent Development Assessments?
All AgilityInsights® assessments are launched from the team level, therefore you must first create a team to launch talent development assessments.
Each team member you add to the team will be included as a Participant when you create a talent development assessment for that team. Each Participant will have their own radar for their results but you will create all of their assessments at the same time. There will also be a roll-up radar created that will contain the results from every Participant on the team who took the assessment.
After you have created the team with all the Participants, you can then create an assessment for that team and during that process will add Reviewers for each Participant.
Creating a team of Participants
To learn more about setting up and managing a team, you can refer to this article—it was written with the TeamHealth® Radar in mind, which is a team radar and not a talent development radar, but creating and editing the team is similar in both cases. However, a different work type must be chosen when creating a team for talent development assessments, which is "Group of Individuals".
The team members you add to this team are the Participants who will be assessing themselves in the talent development assessment. You will add Reviewers for each Participant later when you are creating the actual assessment.
Once you have added your team members (Participants), click the Continue to Add Stakeholders button. While you do NOT need to add stakeholders to this team, you will still have to continue past this screen by clicking the Review and Finish button. The stakeholders you would like to review the Participants are called Reviewers in talent development assessments and will be added during the assessment creation process, not on this screen.
Click Review & Finish. Once you have reviewed your team details, click Go To Assessment Dashboard to create a talent development assessment for all the Participants (team members) at once.
Editing a team of Participants
To edit the team members (Participants) for a team taking talent development assessments, begin on the Teams Dashboard. Hover over the avatar for the team in the swim lane view, or if you are in grid view, find the team's row. Click the pencil icon to edit.
For a team taking talent development assessments, you will only need to edit information on the team profile and team members (Participants) page. If you need to edit Reviewers, that can only be done while editing a talent development assessment, not while editing a team.
Note: If you need to add or remove a Participant from a team, this is the place to do that. If you need to add or remove a Participant to just one assessment, that should be done by editing the assessment and not here.