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Review and Analyze Results as a Team Member

Once the entire team has completed the assessment, it's time to review the results. Team Members can log in once their assessment results have been submitted and preview the results prior to the team retrospective.

The first few times a team takes an assessment, we recommend completing the assessment together and then reviewing the results in a retrospective either immediately afterwards or within a few days.

After a team has taken an assessment and are comfortable with the questions, they could take future assessments ahead of the retrospective on their own, and then meet as a team to review the results together with a Facilitator. 

Review the Basics

To review the results of the team's assessment, after creating an AgilityInsights® account, log in to land on the Teams Dashboard. Click on the team's name or avatar on the Teams Dashboard to be taken to the team’s Assessments Dashboard. Click on the radar image for the specific assessment of interest and the results radar will load. The team's results will display on the radar image once two or more people have submitted their assessments.

Note: If the company has the feature turned on to lock assessment results until they are manually shared by the Facilitator in the retrospective, the assessment radar may be grayed out and results will not be available to view. If that is the case, Team Members will receive an additional email when the results are available to review. 

We recommend the Facilitator take a few minutes at the beginning of the retrospective to demonstrate how to read the radar. In Detail View, there will be dots and a red average line on the radar. Each dot represents an anonymous response from one person. The shading between the dots is the ‘variance’ between answers. Wide variance shows a lack of consensus, narrow shading shows consensus. The Measurements sub-dimension for the TeamHealth® Radar will only show one or two answers, depending on which roles were selected to receive those quantitative questions—usually a Product Owner and/or Scrum Master.

The How are Related Competencies Identified article provides a guide to Dimensions, Sub-Dimensions and Competencies, common patterns and how competencies are related. Learn how consensus is calculated here.


Analyze Results

Break into small groups. with each group choosing one of the dimensions to review. Each group should:

  • View the detail view, with the dots for responses
  • Zoom in to focus on that one section, making observations on Post-It Notes as they go
  • Be sure to consider related competencies
  • For a TeamHealth assessment, check the competencies in the Performance Dimension and the Happiness competency to see how strong the team is in relation to the top drivers for those metrics. Learn how to see top drivers for team performance
  • Look for trends and review the textual responses to confirm thinking
  • Document strengths, improvement areas, and any impediments

For further help with results analysis, view the How do I analyze team radar results article.

The groups should then gather back together and each one should present the findings by dimension. As a whole group:

  • Review the strengths, improvement areas and impediments found
  • Look for trends
  • Use the Idea Board to compile ideas for Growth Items and vote for the top issues
  • Along with the Scrum Master, build a Growth Plan in AgilityHealth with a few Growth Items for the team backlog and a few Growth Items for leadership/organizational backlog

Ready to build the Growth Plan?

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