Taking a Team-Based AgilityInsights® Assessment
Once an assessment is published for Team Members, they will receive an email from AgilityInsights® to begin the process of taking a team-based assessment.
Each Team Member receives a unique assessment link in order to ensure each person only completes the assessment one time. Answers are anonymous and not tied back to Team Members in any way, unless they are in a specific role that has specialized questions. For example, in some assessments, the Product Owner or Scrum Master may have questions to answer that pertain only to their responsibilities.
We do track whether each person has completed the assessment and have functionality in place to allow the assessment email to be re-sent, if the email did not come through the first time.
Here is a sample of what the email for Team Members looks like—it will be customized for each team.
Taking the Assessment
Click on the "Click here to take the assessment" link in your email and you'll be taken to the assessment intro page.
The Welcome page will look similar to the below image.
On the left, you’ll see tabs to the different assessment sections. Click the Start button to begin.
Answering Assessment Questions
Once inside the assessment, on the right, you’ll find the questions you’ll need to complete. The time it takes to complete an assessment varies, depending on the number of questions in the assessment. The TeamHealth® Radar assessment takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
Please note:
- Your responses to the assessment are anonymous when displayed on the output radar. No one will know where you ranked each answer on the assessment (unless you answer a question specific only to your Role)
- You will recognize your textual responses because you wrote them, but they will not be tied back to you in any way
- The answers shared will help your team grow as they plan for the next quarter and beyond, so we strongly encourage you to be as open, honest, and constructive as possible.
- For all questions, if you are not sure where your team is at on the scale, please select ‘Not Sure’ as your answer. Do not select a random rating if you truly don’t know the answer.
The below image shows different features of the page:
- If you need to step away from your assessment, click Save. To return to your assessment, click the link in the email you received to access your assessment for the first time.
- If you want to go to a previous or next question, click one of the green question arrows.
- If you want to go to a previous or next section, click one of the green section arrows.
- Please note: Do not use your browser back button to move between sections as it will not save the information you’ve already entered. Use the Previous/Next arrows and it will save the answers you’ve already provided
Moving to the Next Section
Before you advance to the next section, you must answer all the questions in the current section. If you click Next before answering all the questions in a section, the unanswered questions turn red and it asks you to complete the questions before advancing to the next section.
Tool Tips for Questions
Some questions have a tooltip on the right-hand side to provide additional guidance. Hover over the question mark to view the tip.
Entering Additional Comments
After a grouping of questions, you will see an open text box where you may put any additional thoughts you have about that topic. Adding these comments is important as they will be included in the assessment results and will help the team discussion during the retrospective. Your textual responses are anonymous, so long as you don’t type anything that would specifically identify you.
An example of a response that is not actionable is as follows: I do not like how the Product Owner manages our backlog.
Here is an example of a productive/constructive textual response: It would be helpful if the Product Owner could prioritize our backlog prior to our planning meetings to save time.
Open-Ended Questions
At the end of the assessment, you will be asked to enter in responses to open-ended questions for Strengths, Growth Opportunities and Impediments. Please be as complete as possible with your answers as these are used to help create Growth Plan Items to be worked on over the coming iterations/sprints.
Submitting Assessment Responses
Once you answer the questions in all sections, you’ll find the Finish button is available. Once you submit, your answers are recorded and cannot be changed. Once complete with all questions, click Finish to submit the assessment.
Remember, your answers are anonymous and the best way to help your team improve is to be honest in your answers.
After submitting their first assessment, Team Members may receive an email with instructions to set up their AgilityInsights account.