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Post Retrospective Activities

Following the retrospective, your role as a facilitator is to:

  1. Communicate with the Scrum Master
  2. Assist with Team Member Access
  3. Add Assessment Notes/Observations and Mark Retro as Completed
  4. Manage Growth Items
  5. Conduct Leadership Readout

Communicate with the Scrum Master  

It’s important to stay in touch with the Scrum Master following the retrospective. The Scrum Master will be keeping the growth items to be worked on by the team visible during their iterations and tactical retrospectives.

This includes actively engaging with the team’s growth backlog throughout their iterations, working with the team to review and update the user stories, breaking down the user stories into smaller stories and tasks, keeping progress visible using the Kanban view, and updating the stories with the solution and notes.

If the integrations feature is enabled, team members can easily sync growth items with the category of Team created in their retrospectives or from their team's growth item dashboard to their Jira board. Growth items can then be managed in the team's Jira board, along with their stories and tasks. Updates made in Jira to these growth items will be synced back to AgilityInsights automatically. Organizational Growth Items will be pulled into the Leadership team's backlog. 

Check in with them occasionally throughout the quarter on these items and be sure to work with them to schedule the next Retrospective for the upcoming quarter.

Assist with Team Member Access

Once team members have completed the assessment for the first time, they may receive an email asking them to confirm and set up their account in AgilityInsights®. You will need to ensure each team member received their email and has set up their account in AgilityInsights®. Visit our Creating Your AgilityInsights® Account article for more information.

Add Assessment Notes/Observations and Mark Retrospective as Completed

Following the retrospective, make sure you are adding your comments in the “Assessment Notes” area and checking the Retro is Completed box. You will want to set aside some time immediately following each retrospective to complete this task so that the information is fresh in your mind. 

To add your assessment notes, from the Team Dashboard, click on the icon for the team you’re working on. This will take you to that team’s Assessment Dashboard. Hover over the assessment you wish to add notes to and click on the blue pencil icon. Scroll down to the bottom of the edit assessment page to the Assessment Notes section.

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You can enter the title for the assessment (for example, “baseline” or the quarter and year the assessment was taken during) and add your notes. 

The notes should include, but not be limited, to these areas:

  • Context around the maturity stage you selected
  • Highlights from the session, including any observations you have about the team
  • Highlights that can be used in the Manager Debrief/Leadership Readout
  • When noting anything specific, make sure to only document things the team is ok sharing – don’t betray their trust!
  • Any background information about the team and context from the session that would help future facilitators (this will be helpful for your own reference as well if you will be facilitating additional retrospectives for the team)

If the assessment was for the TeamHealth® 2.5 or later versions, DevOps V2.0 or Program Health 2.0 radar, a Team Maturity Stage should be populated for you. This was calculated based on responses to the qualitative questions in the assessment (quantitative question responses are not included).

Exceptions to this are for Business Operations teams taking the TeamHealth 3.0 or 4.0 Radar assessment. In those cases, the quantitative questions they receive are included in the maturity stage calculation. 

As an AHF, you can override the maturity stage if you truly believe the team is in a different stage than what AgilityInsights® calculated for the team.

If a Team Maturity Stage is not already selected, choose the appropriate stage from the drop-down. Many of our radars use Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as the maturity stages, while some do not have Pre-Crawl or use a High/Low or High/Medium/Low scale. To learn how to determine which stage the team is currently in, visit the How do I analyze Radar Results article. To learn more about Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, visit the All About Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as Maturity Stages article. 

Check the Retro is Completed box to ensure assessment details and assessment results can no longer be edited/received. Once the leadership readout has been completed for leaders, the Leadership Readout is Completed box should be checked.

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Manage Growth Items

It’s very important that the team and the leaders that support the team manage and act on their growth items throughout the quarter. As the Facilitator, you can help by making sure that Scrum Masters and Leaders have access to AgilityInsights®, know how to find and update the growth plans, and understand the continuous improvement process. Refresh on how to manage the growth plan

Scrum Masters will manage their team’s backlog from the Team’s Growth Item Dashboard. Here they can view all growth items the team created during any assessment.

Leaders will find the organizational growth items that were created by teams in their retrospectives in the growth plans within the multi-team roll-up that includes the teams that they support. Managers and Leaders can learn about their roles here

If the integrations feature is enabled, team members can easily sync growth items with the category of Team created in their retrospectives or from their team's growth item dashboard to their Jira board. Growth items can then be managed in the team's Jira board, along with their stories and tasks. Updates made in Jira to these growth items will be synced back to AgilityInsights automatically. Organizational Growth Items will be pulled into the Leadership team's backlog. 

Leadership Readout

Following the retrospective, schedule time with the leaders who support the teams to debrief them on the outcomes of the retrospective and to discuss where their help is needed for the team to grow. Ask the team what they would like you to share with the managers/leaders and cover the following topics (as applicable) during the debrief:


This slide deck can be used to provide the structure and topics for the debrief session if desired. Leaders/Managers can learn about their role in the debrief and more in our Key Manager/Leader Responsibilities articles.

Once the leadership readout has been completed for leaders, the Leadership Readout is Completed box should be checked.

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If you are responsible for the Leadership Readout for a group of teams and they all roll up into the same multi-team, you can mark these as complete for the teams in bulk. To do this, you must have access to the multi-team radar and ensure that the teams that roll into the multi-team radar have truly had their leadership readouts completed. 

In the Growth Plan section of the multi-team radar, click the LR Completed button.

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Clicking the LR Completed button will check the Leadership Readout is Completed box for only the most recent assessment for each sub-team that rolls up to the multi-team (as long as the assessments' close dates have passed).

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