Facilitator Quick Reference Aids
Retrospective Agenda and Best Practices Guide
Download the agenda and best practices guide.
Sample Meeting Agenda - includes taking the assessment during the retrospective
AgilityInsights® Retrospective Facilitation Tips
Retrospective Talking Points
These are suggestions for a TeamHealth® Retrospective (the scale may vary by assessment):
This list of powerful questions to ask during a retrospective can help foster the conversation, if needed.
Important: Remind everyone to bring a laptop.
Sample Email to the Team
Sample Email to Stakeholders
Sample Assessment Email
Important: Since each assessment link is unique to the user that receives the email, no one should forward the assessment email you receive. If someone takes the assessment in their place, the system will not allow them to take it.
Each team member receives a unique assessment link in order to ensure each team member only completes the assessment one time. All answers are anonymous and will not be tied back to a team member in any way. We simply track whether each person that was sent the assessment has completed it or not and have functionality in place to allow the assessment to be re-sent if the email did not come through the first time.