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Preparing for the Retrospective

To prepare for the retrospective you will work closely with the team's Facilitator in order to:

  1. Provide insight regarding Team Members and Stakeholders
  2. Schedule the Retrospective Session
  3. Prepare to answer Metrics Questions
  4. Update Team Members in AgilityInsights®
  5. Enter or review your team's Iteration and Release Metrics - Optional (if applicable)

Provide Insight Regarding Team Members and Stakeholders

To help the Facilitator learn about the team(s) and schedule the retrospective(s), the Facilitator will meet with you prior to the retrospective(s) to learn about each team and to get your input into scheduling the meeting. The Team Profile in AgilityInsights® is a good place to start the discussion.

To get to the Team Profile, begin with the Team Dashboard, where you’ll see the familiar view of the team(s) listed in Images View.  You will only see the team(s) for which you are the Scrum Master or Team Admin.

Hover over the icon for the team whose profile you want to see and click the blue pencil


Once there, you can see information specific to that team that may help the Facilitator learn about them.


Review this information with the Facilitator and help them to complete the fields on this screen so that they have a good understanding of each team prior to their retrospective.

Schedule the Retrospective

Work with the Facilitator to find a time for the retrospective session that will work well for each team individually. If the assessment is taken prior to the retrospective, plan for the retrospective to take 2-2 ½ hours. If the assessment is going to be taken as a team, during the retrospective, schedule the session for 3 hours. When possible, leverage an existing meeting time for the retrospective to minimize disruption to the team.

Here is the agenda you can include in the invite to your team, based on if they are taking the assessment in the retrospective session or if they are taking it beforehand.

Prepare to Answer Metrics Questions 

For the TeamHealth® Radar Assessment:

The TeamHealth® 4.0 Radar can be taken by any team but this assessment will only show the quantitative metrics questions to teams with certain work types. Most teams need a Scrum Master and/or Product Owner role assigned to receive the quantitative questions. If the team has an integration with Jira set up, some of these questions can be auto-populated with an answer for them - details can be read here. Teams with the Business Operations work type also have quantitative questions that all team members will answer. 

The TeamHealth® 3.0 Radar is available for all teams. Teams tagged with the work type of Service and Support or Software Delivery (generally IT teams), the Scrum Master and/or the Product Owner will need to answer quantitative questions. If the team has an integration with Jira set up, some of these questions can be auto-populated with an answer for them - details can be read here. For teams with the Business Operations work type, all team members will receive the quantitative questions.

Any team member who will be answering the metrics questions should come prepared to the retrospective to answer these questions or gather the data before they take the assessment if taking the assessment in advance of the retrospective session. We suggest the Facilitator or Team Admin send the questions to the person(s) answering the questions in advance.

You can download these questions here

For the DevOps V2.0 Radar Assessment:

Each Scrum Master will need to answer quantitative questions during the DevOps Health V2.0 assessment.

One or both of these roles should come prepared to the retrospective to answer these questions or gather the data before they take the assessment if taking the assessment in advance of the retrospective session.

We suggest you, the Facilitator or the Team Admin send the questions to the person(s) answering the questions in advance.

You can download these questions here

Update Team Members

Prior to the retrospective, you also need to verify the team members and stakeholders are accurate, as members may have joined or left the team since the last retrospective.

Learn more about adding/deleting team members and stakeholders to an existing team.

Enter your Team's Iteration and Release Metrics - Optional (if applicable)

This section may not be necessary – please check with your Company Admin.

Once you have selected a team and are in edit mode, you can click on the Metrics tab to enter quantitative metrics for that team’s iterations and releases. If your company has an integration to pull this data in automatically, you can review that data here, plus performance metrics, if applicable. Learn more

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