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Execute the Growth Plan

Building a quality Growth Plan during the retrospective is a great start, but the real work comes as the team takes action to improve in the areas they have identified as the highest priority Team Growth Items. The Scrum Master of the team will keep the plan visible and help the team to break the Growth Items down into smaller stories and tasks that can be completed within an iteration.

  1. Bring Growth Items into your regular iterations/sprints
  2. Update Growth Item progress
  3. Add Notes to Growth Items
  4. Add Solutions to Growth Items

Bring Growth Items into Your Regular Iterations/Sprints

You can track progress on Growth Items in AgilityInsights® at a high level, but the work should be broken down into stories and added to the team's regular work board. If your company has enabled an integration, you may be able to sync team Growth Items from AgilityHealth with the click of a button. Learn more here

In AgilityInsights®, you can see all the Team’s Growth Items on the Team’s Growth Item Dashboard or you can go into each assessment’s results and view Growth Items related to that specific assessment in the Growth Plan. Organizational Items will be pulled and worked on by the Leadership Team, so focus on updating the progress of Team Growth Items.

Use the Growth Portal as a Resource

As you are working on the Growth Items as a team, you can return to the Growth Portal to explore helpful videos and resources on the competencies you are working on.

Update Growth Item Progress 

As the team progresses on a Growth Item, edit the item to change the status or additional items in the Growth Plan Item card.


If you synced the team's growth items via integration to your team's work board in Jira, you can update the growth items there and the progress will automatically sync back to AgilityHealth. 

Add Notes to Growth Items

You can add notes to the Growth Items by clicking on the edit icon on the card to open the Growth Item and then selecting the Notes tab.

Add a Solution to Growth Items

If a Growth Item has been completed, be sure to fill in the Solutions section. By adding a solution to a Growth Item, the rest of the teams within your organization can see how your Growth Item was completed and may be able to use that information in their own journey.

Enter a description of what the team or individual did to complete the Growth Item in the Solutions tab.

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