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Campaign Settings

Company Admins and Business Line Admins can create email templates for your company to use when managing campaigns from the Campaign Dashboard.

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On the Manage Campaigns tab, click the Settings link to go to the Template Settings area. 

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Here, you'll see master templates created by AgilityHealth for you to use and any templates created by Company Admins or Business Line Admins for your company specifically. You will be able to create your own templates or copy master templates and edit them for your company's use. 

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Clicking on a template's name on the left will allow the template description, subject, and email text to be seen on the right. In the upper right corner, you'll see a Copy icon to allow you to create a copy of this template. If you see a Master Template tag, this is a template created by AgilityHealth and you will not be able to edit it. 

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When you click the Copy icon, a new template will be created for you. To edit this template, click the Edit icon. Be sure to update the name of this template so your users will recognize its intention when they see it in the dropdown list of templates they can use.

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Once you have made your edits, click Save.

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If you would like to create a template from scratch, click Create a New Template.

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Fill out all the fields and click Save when you're finished. This template will now be available for users to use on the Campaign Dashboard.

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