Campaign Dashboard
Once your campaign has been published, you can monitor the campaign status, update details, assign facilitators, delete teams, etc. from the Campaign Dashboard. If the campaign is closed or archived, you will be able to see the Campaign Dashboard in read-only format.
To get to the Campaign Dashboard, click on a campaign's View button on the Manage Campaigns tab.
The campaign dashboard will show you an overview of your campaign, as well as allow for some editing to be done. You can also see what automated emails will be sent and when they will be sent. If you want to send a reminder email to facilitators and/or team contacts, you can do that too, as long as the campaign is in Published or Closed status.
You'll see an Assessments by Statuses chart that will show you the percentage of assessments in your campaign at each stage. When a campaign is first launched, all assessments are in the Pre-Assessment status. The other stages are Assessment Open, Assessment Complete, Retro Complete, and Leader Readout Complete.
Hover over a slice in the circle chart to see the number of assessments in each status. You can also hover over the statuses listed on the right. Assessments will automatically update to the Assessment Open and Assessment Complete statuses based on the dates in the assessment window portion of the timeline.
Once the retrospective for a team's assessment has been marked as completed, the assessment will move into the Retro Complete status. The Leader Readout Complete status is achieved when the leadership readout for a team's assessment has been marked as completed.
The Campaign Alerts section will display any warning messages regarding the ratio of facilitators assigned to teams that you were shown when creating your campaign. These messages will update if you make changes on the Teams tab and assign/change facilitators or remove teams.
Campaign Details Tab
The Campaign Details tab shows you the campaign start and end dates, the radar type, the matchmaking strategy, and the facilitation approach. You can also see the assessment timeline dates that were entered when creating this campaign and the automated emails that will be sent on those dates.
You can edit the campaign name, campaign start and end dates, and the assessment timeline dates by clicking the Edit Campaign link to the right of the dashboard. A pop-up will open, allowing you to make edits. Be mindful when editing dates as many of those dates have automated emails or other back-end items attached to them.
You can see the schedule of upcoming automation, which will display when emails are being sent automatically to stakeholders and team members with their assessment links.
If the scheduled date for the email has not yet passed, you will be able to delete this automation using the Delete button in the Action column. Once the date has passed, the Delete button will be grayed out. If you delete an automation, the date entered in the assessment timeline that corresponds to the automation will also be deleted.
In the Email Sent section, you'll see a list of the emails sent via the Teams tab to Team Contacts and/or Facilitators. Click on the Subject of the email to see details such as who was sent the email and what the content of the email was.
Teams Tab
The Teams tab offers many different features. You can search and sort the grid using the search box, filtering by assessment status or choosing a specific facilitator from the drop-down. Use the Reset Filters button to clear the filters.
Add Teams:
Teams can be added to the campaign, as long as it is 2 business days or more before the Assessment Close Date. This is to allow teams time to complete the assessment.
Click the Add Teams button in the upper right corner and a pop-up will open. Search or filter the grid using the provided options to find the team(s) you would like to add. When creating the campaign, if you picked an option for the Parent Team other than 'Entire Company', the list of available teams will only be those that roll up to the parent team not already in the campaign.
Click the checkboxes in front of each team's row and then click Add to Campaign.
Depending on which dates are in your Assessment Window, if the Stakeholder End Date has not passed or the Assessment Window is open, emails with a link to their assessment will be sent immediately to stakeholders. Emails will be sent on the scheduled date for team members if there was a date entered and that date has not passed. If the date has passed, emails will be sent to team members immediately.
You will also need to assign a facilitator to the team(s) using the Assign Facilitator link in each team's row.
A Select Facilitator modal will open, allowing you to select a facilitator using the check box in the first column and then clicking the Assign Facilitator to Team button.
Bulk Actions:
Using the checkboxes in the first column, you can select multiple teams at once. Then use the Bulk Actions button in the upper right corner to compose an email, edit assessment names, unassign and reassign facilitators, or remove teams from the campaign.
Choosing Compose Email will allow you to send an email to one or more team's facilitators and/or team contacts. Please click here to jump to that section of this article.
If you choose Edit Assessment Name, you can enter a new name for the assessments for the teams you selected using the check box in the first column.
If you choose Unassign Facilitators, you will be asked to confirm your choice and if you proceed, the assigned facilitator will be removed from the team.
You can then click the Assign Facilitator link in a team's row to assign a new facilitator.
A Select Facilitator modal will open, allowing you to select a facilitator using the check box in the first column and then clicking the Assign Facilitator to Team button.
If you choose Remove Teams, you will be asked to confirm your selection. If you agree, the selected teams will be removed from the campaign.
Any assessments associated with the selected teams that have not had any responses will be deleted. If responses have been received, the assessment will be kept and remain on the team's assessment dashboard but will be disassociated with this campaign.
Make Edits for a Single Team:
Also on the Teams tab are a variety of pencil icons. Choose the pencil next to an assessment name to edit the assessment name for just one team. Choose the pencil icon next to a facilitator's name to unassign them and reassign another facilitator.
Send Emails to a Single Person:
If you hover over a facilitator's name or a team contact's name, their email address will display.
To send emails to multiple contacts, use the Compose Email functionality under Bulk Actions.
Clicking the envelope icon next to a facilitator or team contact's name will open a compose email module that allows you to send an email to that specific contact, as long as the campaign is in Published or Closed status.
The facilitator or team contact's name will populate for you in the To field.
In the From dropdown, you can choose to have this email sent from:
- Your email address (what you are logged into the platform with);
- The platform email, which does not allow for replies to be sent (; or
- The group email address your company has selected to use (Ask your Customer Success Manager to set this up for you)
In the Template section, you can choose one of the template emails set up for your company so you don't have to start your email from scratch. When you select a template, the body of the email will be populated with default text. Be sure to edit the text before sending it. To learn how to create or edit templates, click here.
Check the Attach assignment sheet box if you wish to include an Excel file showing the assignments of the recipients of your email.
Enter your subject line into the Subject box.
Type your message in the body of the email and use the rich text formatting toolbar to format your message accordingly. If you want to include a link, highlight the text you wish to link, then click the link icon. When entering the URL, you will need to format it like this:
Click Send Email when finished. On the Details tab, you can see the audit trail of emails sent.
Team Details:
The Teams tab also contains columns displaying each team and how many team members and stakeholders are on each, their assessment's status, the assessment window start date (Assessment Date), the team member and stakeholder combined response rate (Response), and the retrospective window start date (Retro Date).
Retro and Leader Readout Completed:
In this grid, the retrospectives and leadership readouts for each team will be marked as complete after the facilitator edits the team's assessment and checks the Retro is Complete and/or Leadership Readout is Complete boxes. The Assessment by Status chart will update as each team's items are marked complete. You can check the boxes here in the Campaign Dashboard and the matching fields will be marked complete on the assessments as well.
Open TGI and Open OGI:
The Open TGI and Open OGI columns reflect how many team growth items (TGI) and organizational growth items (OGI) the team currently has from all assessments, not just from the assessment in this campaign.
Teams Tab: Compose Email
If you would like to send reminder messages to multiple facilitators and/or team contacts, the Compose Email function under Bulk Actions on the Teams tab makes this easy, as long as the campaign is in the Published or Closed status.
Select the teams you want to contact using the checkbox in front of each team's row. Then, click the Bulk Actions button and select Compose Email from the dropdown list.
In the email modal, check the box for either or both facilitators and team contacts to receive the email. The platform collects the team contact and facilitator email addresses for you, so you don’t have to find them. Click the Expand button in the Recipients row to see who has been included.
If you wish to remove a recipient, click the Remove button at the end of their row. Click the Collapse button to close the list of Recipients.
You can also export the list of recipients to Excel by clicking the Export Recipients link.
If you wish to undo all the changes you made and start again, click the Reset button next to the Collapse button. Clicking Reset will add back any people you removed and will also recheck the box for Team Contacts and Facilitators if you unchecked that previously.
From Field:
In the From dropdown, you can choose to have this email sent from:
- Your email address (what you are logged into the platform with);
- The platform email, which does not allow for replies to be sent (; or
- The group email address your company has selected to use (Ask your Customer Success Manager to set this up for you)
Template Field:
In the Template section, you can choose one of the template emails set up for your company so you don't have to start your email from scratch. When you select a template, the body of the email will be populated with default text. Be sure to edit the text before sending it. To learn how to create or edit templates, click here.
Attach Assignment Sheet:
Check the Attach assignment sheet box if you wish to include an Excel file showing the assignments of the recipients of your email.
Subject Field:
Enter your subject line into the Subject box.
Email Content:
Type your message in the body of the email and use the rich text formatting toolbar to format your message accordingly.
If you want to include a link, highlight the text you wish to link, then click the link icon. When entering the URL, you will need to format it like this:
Click Send Email when finished. On the Details tab, you can see the audit trail of emails sent.
Facilitators Tab
The Facilitators tab allows you to adjust facilitators for your campaign. You can add facilitators not already included in the campaign using the Add Facilitators button. Use the Assign Teams link in each facilitator's row to assign or unassign teams to a specific facilitator. You can also select one or more facilitators and then using the Bulk Actions button, unassign teams from them or remove the facilitators from the campaign completely.
Add Additional Facilitators:
To add additional facilitators to your campaign, click the Add Facilitators button. In the modal, select the facilitators you wish to add and then click the Add to Campaign button.
Assign Teams:
You can use click the Assign Teams link for each facilitator to assign them to facilitate a team's retrospective.
In the assign teams modal, any team not assigned a facilitator that is included in the campaign will be listed. Check the box in the team's row and click the Save Assignments button to add that team to a facilitator.
Bulk Actions:
To make adjustments to multiple facilitators at a time, check the box in front of each facilitator's row. Then using the Bulk Actions button, you can either remove the facilitator's team assignments or remove the facilitators completely from the campaign.
If you click Remove Team Assignments, the teams assigned to each facilitator will be unassigned. If you click Remove Facilitators, the selected facilitators will be completely removed from the campaign and their teams will now be unassigned.