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Add an N-Tier Team

N-Tier functionality in AgilityInsights® is the method to expand beyond our standard levels of team hierarchy: Team > Multi-Team > Enterprise Team.

Info: In order to use N-Tier teams, this feature must be turned on for your company. Your company's Customer Success Manager can help with this.

Business Rules

There are some business rules for N-Tier teams. When you create an N-Tier team, you select sub-teams to roll up to the N-Tier team, much like how you select Teams to roll up to Multi-Teams.

  • The sub-teams you select for an N-Tier team must be an Enterprise team or other N-tier teams.
  • When selecting sub-teams, all of the sub-teams must be of the same hierarchy level. This means you cannot select an Enterprise team and an N-Tier team as sub-teams of a new N-Tier team - you would need to select either Enterprise teams or N-Tier teams. 
  • After creating an N-Tier team, when you're on the Teams Dashboard and can see all the teams, the avatar for the N-Tier teams will not be clickable, like the avatars for other team types. You can only edit or delete the N-Tier team from the Teams Dashboard.
    • The work type for an N-Tier team will appear on the Teams Dashboard as the name of the N-Tier team, unless your company has inherited default work types or created them in Manage Tags - example below.


  • When using a feature with team structure in the left-hand navigation, such as an Insights Dashboard, Pulse Checks or the Business Outcomes Dashboard, the N-Tier teams will be the top level of the team list. If you only have one N-Tier team, any teams that do not roll up to that N-Tier team will go in the Unassigned category.
  • The N-Tier hierarchy must be set up from bottom to top. Teams need to be rolled up into Multi-Teams...Multi-Teams are then rolled up into Enterprise Teams...Enterprise Teams can then be rolled up into an N-Tier team...and then, if needed, additional N-Tier teams that pull in other N-Tier teams can be created. 

Here's an example of N-Tier hierarchy:

    • Sara Jen Test Company is the name of the company
    • Oct Test is the name of an N-Tier team
    • Jen Master is the name of an N-Tier team that was selected as a sub-team for the Oct Test N-Tier team
    • Test Enterprise Team is the name of an Enterprise team that was selected as a sub-team for the Jen Master N-Tier team
    • Test Multi-Team is the name of the Multi-Team that rolls up as a sub-team to the Test Enterprise Team.
    • Team 2 and Team 1 are teams that roll up to the Multi-Team called Test Multi-Team
    • All other teams, including Enterprise Teams and Multi-Teams along with individual teams, are listed under Unassigned because they have not been selected to roll up to an N-Tier team, such as Oct Test. 


Add an N-Tier Team

To add an N-Tier team, from the Teams Dashboard, in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you can click the green 'Add Team' button to go through the simple wizard.


When prompted, select the 'N-Tier Team' option like the image below and click the Add Team button.


Name Your N-Tier Team

  1. Enter an N-Tier Team Name (required)
  2. If available for your company, choose an N-Tier Team Type. This is a work type for the team and can be customized for your company.
  3. If available for your company, choose any N-Tier Team Tags that should be applied to this team. These are customized for your company.
  4. Once a name has been chosen, click Create Team & Add Sub-Teams

Add n-tier team

Add Sub-Teams

You will choose from a list of all of the Enterprise and N-Tier teams that have been added to AgilityInsights® and that you have permission to see.  

Remember - all sub-teams for an N-Tier team must be at the same level. In the list below, there is an Enterprise team and two N-Tier teams, but the N-Tier teams are not on the same level. Therefore, when I select one of the below teams, the other options will disappear because they cannot all be sub-teams for the same N-Tier team.

  1. Click on the team name in the left column to add them to the right column to select the sub-teams you want to be included in this N-Tier team. Remember, you can only choose Enterprise/Portfolio level teams. 
  2. Type a team name in the Filter Sub-Teams box to search for a specific team.
  3. Apply team tags, if applicable.
  4. Click the Continue to Add Members button.

Add n-tier team sub-teams

Notice that after a selection was made, the other options disappeared. This is because those sub-teams are not on the same level as the sub-team selected, so they cannot all be sub-teams of the same N-Tier team. 

Add n-tier team sub-teams 2

If available, you may see the below section. You can select any tags here that you wish to apply to the sub-teams. These are customized for your company.

Add n-tier team sub-teams team tags

Add Continuous Improvement Leadership Team (Growth Team)

The Continuous Improvement Leadership Team or Growth Team is made up of the Leaders and Coaches who support the group of sub-teams. 

Add n-tier team growth team

Click the Add Team Member button to start adding Team Members individually.

  1. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the Team Member
  2. Enter the role for the Team Member from the drop-down list (optional)
  3. Click Save and Add New if you have more Team Members to add or Save and Close if this is your last Team Member to add

Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 9.52.01 AM.png

You also have the option to bulk upload Team Members. Here's how:

  1. Download our team template using the icon to add in the participant’s name and email address.
  2. Upload the document and add in their roles and participant groups.


You can also choose to add Team Members from the Team Members already in AgilityInsights® by clicking on the blue Add From Directory button. You can choose individual members or entire teams from the directory.


Click Review & Finish to continue.

Review & Finish

Review the information entered to ensure all information has been entered correctly. Then click Go to Team Dashboard.

Add n-tier team review

You can then see, edit or delete the new N-Tier team on the Teams Dashboard - Test N-Tier Team.

N-tier teams on team dashboard

You can also see Test N-Tier Team and its sub-team, in features that list the teams in the left-hand navigation.

N-tier teams left nav

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