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How can I become a trainer for AgilityHealth® Facilitators (AHFs)?

Some of our clients choose to bring AgilityHealth® Facilitator (AHF) certification in-house, instead of having AgilityInsights® Trainers teach the AHF certification course. In those cases, we offer a Train the Trainer program to qualified AHFs that trains them to teach the AHF certification course for their company.

During this program, the qualified AHF would co-teach an AHF certification class with one of the AgilityInsights® Trainers. The AHF would then teach an AHF certification class while one of the AgilityInsights® Trainers evaluates their efforts. After the AHF has incorporated the Trainer's feedback into their teaching, they can then conduct AHF certification classes for their company.

• Must be a certified AgilityHealth® Facilitator
• Must have facilitated 10 retrospective sessions with teams (If the AHF is also an Agile Coach, a reduction in the number of retrospective sessions may be granted, based on experience).

AgilityInsights® will continue to coordinate those classes with the AHF and their company, but the AHF will now be the Trainer. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further information and pricing.

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