Continuous Improvement Plans: Affected Teams
Creating and Managing Continuous Improvement Plans
When creating and managing Continuous Improvement Plans, there are a number of actions you may want to take. We've broken each action down for you, into shorter articles.
- Overview
- Viewing OGIs
- Pulling OGIs
- Adding and Editing OGIs
- Enterprise Growth Items
- Grouping OGIs
- Affected Teams
Affected Teams
You can list the teams that are affected by an OGI by adding them to the Affected Teams field when adding or editing a Growth Item. This is helpful when discussing which items to prioritize, to track whether resolving the issue had the intended impact and to gather input and feedback from the affected teams.
When a team creates an OGI, they are automatically listed as an Affected Team. You can add additional teams by editing the Growth Item and selecting a team from the list. Teams can be removed by clicking “X” next to the team name.
When OGIs are grouped, the teams listed in the grouped items will be listed as Affected Teams in the primary item.