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Key Manager/Leader Responsibilities: Overview

As a Manager/Leader, you can help teams using AgilityInsights® to become a healthy and high-performing team and to mature over time. Your role includes five key responsibilities that help support your teams in using AgilityInsights® to create continuous improvement across the organization.

Key Manager/Leader Responsibilities

This article is part of our Key Manager/Leader Responsibilities guide. We have broken the responsibilities down into shorter articles. 

  1. Overview
  2. Debrief on Team Retrospective Results
    • Review assessment results and analyze data
    • Review organizational growth items
  3. Participate as a Member of the Continuous Improvement Leadership Team
  4. Continuous Improvement Planning
    • Attend the Continuous Improvement Readout and Planning Session for Leaders
    • Analyze multi-team data and look for patterns and trends
    • Create a plan for removing organizational impediments
  5. Conduct Leadership Checkpoints
  6. Demonstrate Progress on Removing Organizational Impediments

You are not alone in your AgilityInsights® journey. Other members of your organization have important roles as well.


Make sure to keep these keys to success in mind!


Manager / Leader Training

We offer a workshop called Overview for Leaders. This workshop provides an introduction to AgilityInsights® for organizational leaders to understand the purpose, the process for teams and leaders, and how to use the data that comes from AgilityInsights® to enable their transformation journey. Ask your AgilityInsights® Company Admin when a workshop is scheduled for your company. 

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