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Continuous Improvement Plans: Enterprise Growth Items

Creating and Managing Continuous Improvement Plans

When creating and managing Continuous Improvement Plans, there are a number of actions you may want to take. We've broken each action down for you, into shorter articles.

Enterprise Growth Items (EGIs)

As you analyze the Multi-Team Rollup data and the Organizational Growth Items the teams have raised, you may find some issues that require the attention of executive leadership. These issues can be added to the Growth Plan as Enterprise Growth Items and will be visible in the Enterprise Roll-up (made up of a group of Multi-Teams).

To create an Enterprise Growth Item, add a new or edit an existing growth item. Click on the Category drop-down and select Enterprise.


When an Enterprise Growth Item is pulled into the Enterprise Growth Plan, the item is no longer editable within your backlog. You will see the Link Icon on the card in your Growth Plan and you will see any updates made by the Enterprise Team. Click on the Link Icon to view the Growth Item details and description.


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