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Continuous Improvement Plans: Pulling OGIs

Creating and Managing Continuous Improvement Plans

When creating and managing Continuous Improvement Plans, there are a number of actions you may want to take. We've broken each action down for you, into shorter articles.

Pulling OGIs

When new OGIs are created by teams, they appear in the Available to Pull column in the Kanban View. OGIs can only be edited or deleted by the Continuous Improvement Leadership Team after they have been pulled into the Growth Plan. To pull an OGI, drag and drop it from the Available to Pull column into another column (Kanban View), or click on the “Pull” button (Grid View).



When an OGI is pulled, the item is no longer editable by the team that created it. The team will see the Link Icon on the card in their Growth Plan and any updates made by the Multi-Team will be visible on the card in the Team’s Growth Plan.


To un-pull an OGI, drag it back to the Available to Pull column in the Kanban View or click on the Un-pull button in the Grid View. 

Tip: When you see an OGI that you believe can be resolved at the team level, make sure the item is not pulled and have a conversation with the Scrum Master or representative from the team. If they agree that it is something they can work on as a team, they can go to their Team Growth Plan and edit the Growth Item, changing the Category from Organizational to Team. This will remove the item from the Growth Plan for the Multi-Team.

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