Understanding the Reports Dashboard
The Reports Dashboard was designed to provide advanced AgilityInsights® users with several of most the commonly requested reports.
Available roles that can see reports are Company Admins, Org Leaders, Business Line Admins, and Team Admins.
Reports Dashboard Functionality
To access the Reports Dashboard, log in to your AgilityHealth account and click on the Reports link at the top right of the page.
Once you are on the Reports Dashboard, you will see all the reports to which you have access. If you need information that is not contained in these reports, please submit a ticket with our Customer Support or reach out to your Customer Success Manager for additional assistance.
Generate Reports
Next to each report, you will see one or two icons in the Action column.
The green Generate Report icon will immediately run the report you selected. A pop-up window will appear with your report and you can then choose to download the report into Excel.
Schedule Reports
The red Schedule icon allows you to schedule reports to be emailed on a one-time, weekly, or monthly occurrence. The Schedule icon is not available on reports AgilityInsights® creates on your behalf.
After clicking the Schedule icon, a pop-up window with the scheduler will appear.
- Click in the 'Send To' field to select AgilityInsights® users from your company to whom you wish to email a report(s).
- Click into the 'Reports to Include' box to select one or more reports you wish to send.
- To choose the date on which the report will start to be emailed to the recipients you entered into the 'Send To' field, enter a date into the 'Starting On' field, or click the calendar icon.
- The 'Send At' field is what time you would like the report to be sent via email to everyone you included in the 'Send To' field.
Filter Report Type
You can click the drop-down arrow in the filter area to choose to filter the reports by type—Team, Multi-Team, Assessment, and Team Members. You can also enter a keyword in the search bar and any report that has the keyword you entered in its title or description will appear.
Edit Report
To edit a report, click the green pencil icon next to the report name. Please note: You cannot edit reports that AgilityInsights® created for you.
My Schedules Button
Click on the My Schedules button to see the reports you have scheduled to be emailed in the future.