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How to Facilitate a Release Train Health or Portfolio Health Assessment

Session Purpose and Outcomes



Release Train Health Radar and Portfolio Health Radar




  1. Ensure the right attendees are being invited. (Leaders and coaches of a Release Train or Portfolio).
  2. Set up the team in AgilityInsights® or review and update the existing team
    1. Follow this tutorial on setting up teams: Set Up and Manage Teams 
    2. Include leaders of the Release Train or Portfolio
    3. If you have some people who you would like to complete the assessment to provide their input but who will not be part of the growth team, you can include them as Stakeholders. For the Release Train Health Radar, for example, this might include Product Owners, Scrum Masters and other representatives from the teams. Stakeholders for these radars will receive an assessment with the same questions as team members. Their responses can be filtered when viewing the radar results.
  3. Set up the assessment
    1. Follow this tutorial to learn how to set up an assessment: How do I Create and Launch an Assessment
    2. If the Release Train Health or Portfolio Health radars are not available for selection in the Assessment Type drop-down in the ‘Add Assessment’ wizard, contact your Company Admin or to make sure the radar is enabled for your company.
    3. On the last page of the ‘Add Assessment’ wizard, save the assessment as a draft and don’t launch it until you are ready for the participants to take the assessment.
  4. Prepare for the facilitation
    1. Review the questions for the radar: Release Train Health and Portfolio Health  
    2. If you are not familiar with the train or portfolio, meet with the Release Train Engineer or people in other key roles to get some background information prior to the session.

Facilitation Tips

  • Complete the Assessment: Once the team is familiar with the assessment questions, you may want to send the assessment in advance (we recommend no more than a week in advance). This will free up more time in the retrospective for discussion and developing the growth plan.
  • Analysis and Discussion: You can have the group break into smaller groups of 2-3 and discuss an area of the radar to identify the top gaps they see and report back to the larger group. (This is a 10-15 minute activity.)
  • Identify Top Gaps: Gather the list of opportunities from the analysis using Idea Board and vote to select the few top items the group wants to focus on.
  • Write 2-3 Growth Items for the Top Gaps: Form small groups to work on stories for the top 2-3 items and then present them to the rest of the group for feedback.
  • Gain Consensus on Ownership: At least one person will need to volunteer to take ownership of each growth item. The owner(s) will need to take an action item to write acceptance criteria, prior to the team’s first planning session.
  • Next Steps: Facilitate a discussion with the group to determine the Agile ceremonies and cadence that they can agree to for how they will work together as a continuous improvement team.

Virtual or Physical Room Setup

Virtual Meeting Setup:

  • Select your video & meeting platform (Zoom, MS Teams, WebEx ..etc)
  • Utilize Idea Board or set up collaboration tools for brainstorming and Q&A
  • Plan ahead for breakout rooms if you will have them
  • Ensure all participants have been set up in AgilityHealth correctly so they can access the platform to review results and build growth plans.
  • Test access to the tools above with an internal customer and other attendees ahead of time to avoid technical challenges during the session.

Physical Room Setup:

  • Small tables for group discussion and collaboration
  • Projector, screen and laptop/PC (to display assessment results during group discussion)
  • Supplies needed:
    • Sticky note pads, sharpie markers, flip chart marker
    • Post It flip chart pads and easels for each table
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