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Multi-Team Data: Growth Journey

This article is part of our series on Reviewing and Analyzing Multi-Team Data. When analyzing Multi-Team data, you will review a number of areas in AgilityInsights®. We've broken each area down for you, into shorter articles. 

Growth Journey

Select the Growth Journey tab to see trends over time to gain additional insights. This screen displays the average score across all teams for each dimension, sub-dimension and competency for all assessments within a selected time period, using the end date for each assessment.


When viewing the data in the Growth Journey, take care to notice which teams and the number of assessments are included in each time period. If only a small number of the total teams had an assessment in a quarter, then the data point for that quarter will be skewed toward those teams. Try to find a balance between avoiding highly skewed data and allowing for a reasonable amount of variation between data points.

You can see team names and the count of assessments by hovering over each data point with your mouse. In the example below, Auto C8 and Team Agilists had two assessments (total) in Q2 2016. The average score across all of the competencies within the Foundation Dimension for these teams was 69.  


If the teams in your organization are not scheduling the assessments on a consistent or quarterly cadence, you can adjust the Comparison Filter to look at a longer time period, such as Bi-Annually, to get a more consistent group of teams to compare over time.


In the Timeline (default) view, you can filter by dimensions, sub-dimensions and competencies to see each level of detail and the percentage increase or decrease between each data point.


Here are some things to look for:

What is the overall pattern?

  • Is there a clear up, down or flat trend across the dimensions, sub-dimensions and competencies?
  • Is the trend consistent or varied?
  • What does this tell you about how these teams are maturing?

What stands out?

  • Where are the greatest increases and decreases?
  • Is there anything that surprises you?
  • What does this tell you about where to focus your efforts?

What organizational/environmental factors need to be considered?

  • Were any major changes implemented that would have a big impact on team health and performance at a specific point in time?

The implementation of TeamHealth® 2.0 questions is displayed as a milestone in Q4 2017 on the timeline view as many teams scored themselves lower in most competencies when moving to the Crawl/Walk/Run/Fly format, from our original TeamHealth® questions. In addition, the implementation of TeamHealth® 2.5 quantitative questions will be displayed as a milestone in Q1 2019 on the timeline view, which may affect results in the Performance dimension. TeamHealth 3.0 will be reflected as a milestone in Q2 2020 on the timeline view. 

Keep this in mind when looking at trends that cross this milestone.


By using the View dropdown, you can also switch to the Compare Radar view, to see the average for each time period as a colored line on the radar. This is most helpful when comparing 2-3 time periods so that the difference between the lines is easy to see.


Compare Radar Analysis

The Compare Radar Analysis table below the timeline or radar view provides the average score for each of the selected time periods, and if you have selected two time periods to compare, it displays the points change and percentage change as well. You can export this data to Excel for further analysis.



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