How do I add Assessment Notes and mark a Retrospective as complete?
Following a retrospective, the Facilitator should make sure they are adding comments in the “Assessment Notes” area and checking the Retro is Completed box. They will want to set aside some time immediately following each retrospective to complete this task so that the information is fresh in their mind. Once the leadership readout has been completed for leaders, the Leadership Readout is Completed box should be checked.
Add Assessment Notes
To add assessment notes, from the Teams Dashboard, click on the avatar for the team you’re working on. This will take you to that team’s Assessments Dashboard. Hover over the assessment you wish to add notes to and click on the blue pencil icon. Scroll down to the bottom of the edit assessment page to the Assessment Notes section.
You can enter the title for the assessment (for example, “baseline” or the quarter and year the assessment was taken during) and add your notes.
The notes should include, but not be limited, to these areas:
- Context around the maturity stage you selected if you changed the one that may have been pre-calculated for you
- Highlights from the session, including any observations you have about the team
- Highlights that can be used in the Manager Debrief/Leadership Readout
- When noting anything specific, make sure to only document things the team is OK sharing – don’t betray their trust!
- Any background information about the team and context from the session that would help future Facilitators (this will be helpful for your reference as well if you will be facilitating additional retrospectives for the team)
Select Team Maturity Stage
If the assessment was for the TeamHealth® 2.5 or later versions, DevOps V2.0 or Program Health 2.0 radar, a Team Maturity Stage should be populated for you. This was calculated based on responses to the qualitative questions in the assessment (quantitative question responses are not included).
Exceptions to this are for Business Operations teams taking the TeamHealth 3.0 and 4.0 Radar assessment. In that case, the quantitative questions they receive are included in the maturity stage calculation.
As an AHF, you can override the maturity stage if you truly believe the team is in a different stage than what AgilityInsights® calculated for the team.
If a Team Maturity Stage is not already selected, choose the appropriate stage from the drop-down. Many of our radars use Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as the maturity stages, while others do not use Pre-Crawl or use a High/Low or High/Medium/Low scale. To learn how to determine which stage the team is currently in, visit the How do I analyze Radar Results article.
To learn more about Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly, visit the All About Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as Maturity Stages article.
Retro is Completed
Once the retrospective session has been completed, check the Retro is Completed box. This will ensure the assessment details and responses can no longer be edited or received, even if the assessment's end date has not yet been reached.
Leadership Readout is Completed
After the leadership readout has been completed and leaders are aware of the organizational growth items generated from the team's retrospective, the Leadership Readout is Completed box should be checked.
If a date was not already populated in the Assessment Details for the Leadership Readout date, when the box is checked, today's date will populate in that field automatically.
If you are responsible for the Leadership Readout for a group of teams and they all roll up into the same multi-team, you can mark these as complete for the teams in bulk. To do this, you must have access to the multi-team radar and ensure that the teams that roll into the multi-team radar have truly had their leadership readouts completed.
In the Growth Plan section of the multi-team radar, click the LR Completed button.
Clicking the LR Completed button will check the Leadership Readout is Completed box for only the most recent assessment for each sub-team that rolls up to the multi-team (as long as the assessments' close dates have passed).