All About Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as Maturity Stages
Team maturity is assessed and tracked within AgilityInsights® as part of our assessments. Many of our radars use Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly as the maturity stages, while others do not use Pre-Crawl or use a High/Low or High/Medium/Low scale.
Some radars, such as the TeamHealth® Radar, use a mixture of questions that may or may not include Pre-Crawl in their rating scale. Our quantitative questions include Pre-Crawl for example, while the qualitative questions may not.
Why Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly?
We developed this scale for Team Maturity while working in a partnership with Gartner and with input from many of our customers, partners and 35 senior-level Agile Coaches. The original concepts are widely used in different professional development models throughout the industry and originate with the statement "We have to walk before we can run, we have to crawl before we walk".
There is even a tie back to the Martin Luther King Jr. quote “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
How is the Team Maturity Stage Calculated?
For team-based assessments, the Team Maturity Stage is calculated automatically for some radars, but for other radars, is determined during the Team's retrospective session and entered into AgilityInsights® by the AgilityHealth® Facilitator (AHF) manually.
The Team Maturity Stage is populated in the Assessment Notes section on a Team's Edit Assessment page for each assessment.
Automatic Team Maturity Stage Population:
If the assessment was for the TeamHealth® 2.5 or later versions, DevOps V2.0 or Program Health 2.0 radar, a Team Maturity Stage will be pre-populated. This is calculated based on responses to the qualitative questions in the assessment (this excludes any quantitative or metrics questions).
Question responses are rolled up into competencies, which are rolled up into dimensions and the average stage of all the dimensions is what stage is populated (excluding a dimension with quantitative or metrics questions).
Exceptions to this are for Business Operations teams taking the TeamHealth 3.0 or 4.0 Radar assessment. In those cases, the quantitative questions they receive are included in the maturity stage calculation.
An AHF can override the Team Maturity Stage if they truly believe the Team is in a different stage than what AgilityInsights® calculated for the Team.
Manual Team Maturity Stage Population:
If the Team Maturity Stage needs to be calculated manually, a Facilitator and the Team's Scrum Master can help the Team determine which maturity stage most accurately reflects their current state by analyzing the assessment results, including the Team's radar, the textual responses and the analytics table and excluding any quantitative or metrics data.
If not automatically calculated, the Team Maturity Stage must be entered manually by the AHF.
Scale for Assessment Questions
For radars using the Pre-Crawl, Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly or Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly models, every question within the assessment is additive. This means that in order for a Team Member to pick the answer that corresponds to Run, the Team must meet the criteria in Pre-Crawl, Crawl and Walk or Crawl and Walk, based on which model is in use.
In the below example, based on the Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly scale, a Team Member will pick from a scale of 1-10 for their answer. Using this scale, Crawl is 1-2, Walk is 3-5, Run is 6-8 and Fly is 9-10. If the team meets the criteria for both Crawl and Walk but not Fly, the Team Member should pick 6, 7, or 8 as their answer.
For our radars that incorporate Pre-Crawl as the first stage, the scale is a little different. In those cases, 1-2 is Pre-Crawl, 3-4 is Crawl, 5-6 is Walk, 7-8 is Run and 9-10 is Fly.
Guidance for Maturity Growth
Below is some helpful information focusing on how to help teams mature to the next stage.