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What User Roles are Available and How to Manage Them

There are multiple roles people in your company can play within AgilityInsights®. Some users have the ability to manage and monitor their teams and lines of business with certain limitations in place, while others can only view data or take assessments. 


Important: Each role may see different dashboards and dashboard options based on what access the company has decided each role should have and what options are available for that role.

Manage Users

Upon logging into AgilityInsights®, in the upper right-hand corner to the left of your name, you should see the link to the Settings icon.


The Manage Users area is located in the Settings section.


After clicking the View Users button under Manage Users, depending on your role, you will have access to view/edit/add/delete several roles including Company Admin, Organizational Leader, Business Line Admin, Team Admin, Individual, and Coach. When adding a new user, it is important to click on the correct role's tab prior to clicking the “Add New” button to ensure the person you are adding will have the correct access to the site.


You may also have the ability to search for any user via the search bar on the right. This will not only allow you to locate a user but also edit the user from the search results. 



If members of the organization need help with AgilityHealth, a Company Admin may find it valuable to Impersonate their account. Company Admins can do this for Organizational Leaders, Business Line Admins, Team Admins, and Individuals. Coaches are users of the platform usually as Business Line or Team Admins so look for their account in those tabs, not on the Coaches tab. A Company Admin cannot impersonate other Company Admins. 

Impersonation can be turned on for Business Line Admins by clicking on the Business Line Admin tab and then the Permissions button. In the section for Users, check the box for Can Impersonate. They can then impersonate Org Leaders, other Business Line Admins, Team Admins, and Individuals.

To Impersonate an account, find the user's account in Manage Users and click the Impersonate button. Your screen will be replaced with the Teams Dashboard for that user. You can then navigate through the platform to see what they see. 


To stop impersonating their account, simply click STOP IMPERSONATING in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and you will be returned to your own Teams Dashboard. 


Password Reset

If an AgilityHealth user needs a password reset, a Company Admin can send them a password reset email by clicking the Reset Password button next to their name. Company Admins can do this for Organizational Leaders, Business Line Admins, Team Admins, and Individuals. Coaches are users of the platform usually as Business Line or Team Admins so look for their account in those tabs, not on the Coaches tab. A Company Admin cannot reset the password for other Company Admins, they will need to click on Forgot Password when logging into AgilityHealth, which all other user types can do as well.


Important: Company Feature Admins: You can import and export users in bulk, utilizing the blue buttons above the user types. Contact your Customer Success Manager for a quick tutorial!
Important: Company Admins: Be sure to ask your Customer Success Manager for a detailed list of Roles, Settings, Advanced Permissions, and Available Features.

Below is an explanation of each role and its basic abilities in AgilityInsights®. The AgilityInsights® Strategic Roadmap may also help you understand each role, its responsibilities, and the available training/support by role. 

Changing a User's Role

If you would like to change the role a User is already assigned to, click on the role tab for the role you would like to change them to. Click the Add New button for that role. Enter the User's information as you normally would. After you click Save and Close, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to Change Role Rights. 


The roles in the pop-up will reflect the changes you are trying to make. Click Yes if this is the change you would like to make, click Keep As Is to cancel any changes to the User's role. 

Note: If a user is set up as a team member, they will show up in the Individual tab. If a user is set up as a coach, they will show up in the Coach tab. For both Individuals and Coaches, you will not get the Change Role Rights pop up if you create them as a user in another role.

AgilityHealth® Facilitator

AgilityHealth® Facilitators (AHFs) are 'tagged' in their User Role profiles by AgilityInsights® after they have completed a certification course. If you have a User who should be added as an AHF but is not showing up in the list of available Facilitators for assessments, please submit a support ticket. In some cases, a user in an Admin role may be able to do this themselves.

Company Admin

Who is a Company Admin?

A Company Admin is in charge of managing all the users, tags and teams in a company. The main point of contact for an AgilityInsights® Customer Success Manager is a Company Admin. We recommend a Company Admin also be AgilityHealth® Facilitator certified, so they fully understand the retrospective process.

What does a Company Admin do?

A Company Admin may work with Business Line and Team Admins to make sure all team info is kept up to date and help keep a cadence of retrospectives on track within all Business Line/Program/Train. They may create assessments and assign Facilitators to facilitate retrospectives. 

A Company Admin can view, create and edit all users in AgilityInsights®. They can also view, create and edit all teams at the Team, Multi-Team and Enterprise levels. They can also create and manage all tags assigned with teams, team members and users in AgilityInsights®. 

A Company Admin also has visibility to every team's data on the Team Dashboard, Growth Items Dashboard, and Assessment Dashboard, if those dashboards are enabled. They also have visibility to the Facilitator Dashboard, if enabled and if they are an AgilityHealth® Facilitator. This enables them to see all feedback on Facilitators and the retrospective sessions as well. 

For more in-depth information, view our Company Admin Role Guide

NOTE: Advanced Company Admins can become Company Feature Admins, which would enable them to manage advanced permissions available to Organizational Leaders, Business Line Admins and Team Admins, as well as manage select features for your company. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

How do I add a Company Admin?

In Manage Users, click on the Company Admin link and then click Add New to add a new Company Admin for your company.


  • You will be required to enter information that has a red asterisk next to the field. (I.E. First Name, Last Name, & Email address)
  • Upload a Photo – You may click on the “Upload a Photo” link to select a file from your computer to display when other team members see a user’s profile.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled for your company, this field allows you to select the user's preferred language. When available, the user will receive assessment emails in their selected language, as well as take an assessment in that language. If the selected language is not available, English will be used. This functionality is limited in AgilityHealth currently but we are continuously working on enabling translations throughout the platform. Users can update the language selection in their profile, once logged into AgilityHealth.
  • My Skills – This will show what skill sets the user is proficient in and will help others within an organization better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • LinkedIn – This tab will display a link to the user's LinkedIn profile so others within an organization can view their professional background and better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • Notify User – This will send the user an email inviting them to join AgilityInsights®. This can be sent at a later date if you leave the box unchecked.

Click Save and Add New if you have more Company Admins to add. Click Save and Close if you are finished.

If the user is already in AgilityInsights® as an Org Leader, a Business Line Admin or a Team Admin, you will get a Change Role Rights pop-up. Please visit the Change Role Rights section of this article for more information. 

Organizational Leader

Who is an Organizational Leader?

This role in AgilityInsights® is meant for Leaders and Managers who just need to see the aggregate data for a Program/Portfolio or Train and do not need to drill down into the individual team data. Continuous Improvement Leadership Team members are also set up as Organizational Leaders because their role is to remove impediments brought up by the Teams at the Organizational level. 

What does an Organizational Leader do?

An Organizational Leader usually wants to see data aggregated at the Program/Portfolio or Train level. By default, they cannot see individual team names or sub-teams when filtering assessment results, but a Company Admin can choose to override that option. Organizational Leaders also do not have any admin permissions so they cannot create, edit or delete users, teams or tags. 

Continuous Improvement Leadership Team members remove impediments brought up by teams by reviewing the growth items quarterly, prioritizing them and completing them, without specific team info getting in the way. 

NOTE: Company Feature Admins (see Company Admin section above) are able to turn on/off advanced permissions for Advanced Organizational Leaders. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

View our role guide for Leaders and Managers to learn more.

How do I add an Organizational Leader?

In Manage Users, click on the Organizational Leader link and then click Add New to add a new Organizational Leader for your company.


  • You will be required to enter information that has a red asterisk next to the field. (I.E. First Name, Last Name, & Email address)
  • Upload a Photo – You may click on the “Upload a Photo” link to select a file from your computer to display when other team members see a user’s profile.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled for your company, this field allows you to select the user's preferred language. When available, the user will receive assessment emails in their selected language, as well as take an assessment in that language. If the selected language is not available, English will be used. This functionality is limited in AgilityHealth currently but we are continuously working on enabling translations throughout the platform. Users can update the language selection in their profile, once logged into AgilityHealth.
  • My Skills – This will show what skill sets the user is proficient in and will help others within an organization better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • LinkedIn – This tab will display a link to the user's LinkedIn profile so others within an organization can view their professional background and better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • Notify User – This will send the user an email inviting them to join AgilityInsights®. This can be sent at a later date if you leave the box unchecked. You will also be able to choose if the user should be allowed to see team names and/or sub-team names or if those should be hidden from their view.
  • Filter By - You can search and filter multi-teams and enterprise teams by team name, work type or any additional tag. Select all the teams this user should have access to by clicking on the team name. View more information on what a Tag is and how it can be created and used

Click Save and Add New if you have more Organizational Leaders to add. Click Save and Close if you are finished.

If the user is already in AgilityInsights® as a Company Admin, a Business Line Admin or a Team Admin, you will get a Change Role Rights pop-up. Please visit the Change Role Rights section of this article for more information. 

Business Line Admin

Who is a Business Line Admin?

The intent of the Business Line Admin role is to be a proxy to a Company Admin who needs assistance managing all the users, tags and teams in a company. Oftentimes, an Agile Coach, a representative from a Community of Excellence focused on Agile Adoption, or a Manager in charge of a Business Line, Program or Train is set up as a Business Line Admin. AgilityHealth® Facilitators who facilitate retrospectives within a Business Line full of many teams may also need to be a Business Line Admin.

What does a Business Line Admin do?

A Business Line Admin may work with Scrum Masters to make sure all team info is kept up to date and help keep a cadence of retrospectives on track within the Business Line/Program/Train. They may create assessments and assign Facilitators to facilitate the retrospectives. 

A Business Line Admin can view and edit any team they are tagged with and/or teams that have the tags a Business Line Admin is tagged with. They can create teams and add team members to those teams. A Business Line Admin can also create multi-teams such as Programs, Product Lines, Portfolios, or any roll-up of teams the company would like to see. 

A Business Line Admin also has visibility to their Business Line’s data on the Team Dashboard, Growth Items Dashboard, and Assessment Dashboard, if those dashboards are enabled.

NOTE: Company Feature Admins (see Company Admin section above) are able to turn on/off advanced permissions for Advanced Business Line Admins. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Download our Training for a Business Line Admin's Role in AgilityInsights® deck. 

How do I add a Business Line Admin?

Important: Set up your Teams first. Then create Business Line Admins and assign their Teams to them.

In Manage Users, click on the Business Line Admin link and then click Add New to add a new Business Line Admin for your company.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 11.53.19 AM.png

  • You will be required to enter information that has a red asterisk next to the field. (I.E. First Name, Last Name, & Email address)
  • Upload a Photo – You may click on the “Upload a Photo” link to select a file from your computer to display when other team members see a user’s profile.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled for your company, this field allows you to select the user's preferred language. When available, the user will receive assessment emails in their selected language, as well as take an assessment in that language. If the selected language is not available, English will be used. This functionality is limited in AgilityHealth currently but we are continuously working on enabling translations throughout the platform. Users can update the language selection in their profile, once logged into AgilityHealth.
  • My Skills – This will show what skill sets the user is proficient in and will help others within an organization better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • LinkedIn – This tab will display a link to the user's LinkedIn profile so others within an organization can view their professional background and better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • Notify User – This will send the user an email inviting them to join AgilityInsights®. This can be sent at a later date if you leave the box unchecked. 
  • Filter By - You can search and filter multi-teams and enterprise teams by team name, work type and any additional tag. Select all the teams this user should have access to by clicking on the team name. View more information on what a Tag is and how it can be created and used
    • By default, a Business Line Admin needs to have access to both teams and tags in order to access the teams they need.

Click Save and Add New if you have more Business Line Admins to add. Click Save and Close if you are finished.

If the user is already in AgilityInsights® as a Company Admin, an Org Leader or a Team Admin, you will get a Change Role Rights pop up. Please visit the Change Role Rights section of this article for more information. 

If you are in a Business Line Admin role and are trying to add a new Business Line Admin user or add teams to an existing Business Line Admin user, you will only be able to add to the teams that you have access to yourself. 

Team Admin

Who is a Team Admin?

The intent of the Team Admin role is to manage one or a few teams to keep their information and members updated, as well as to create and launch assessments regularly while helping the Team track and manage their growth items. Tags are applied to each Team Admin linking them to the teams they need to monitor. Generally, both AgilityHealth® Facilitators (AHF) and Scrum Masters are set up as Team Admins. 

What does a Team Admin do?

Since they are generally AHFs and Scrum Masters, Team Admins work together to schedule quarterly retrospectives, while the Scrum Master keeps the Team information updated and the AHF creates and launches the assessments. During the retrospective session, the AHF helps the team analyze their results and the Scrum Master is involved in helping the team create their growth items, under the guidance of the AHF.

After the retrospective session, the AHF updates the maturity level of the Team and puts in any notes from the session, while the Scrum Master takes the growth items back to break down into stories the Team will work on during their normal sprints/iterations. The Scrum Master will also update the progress of the growth items inside AgilityHealth and mark them as resolved when completed. 

A Team Admin can view and edit any team they are tagged with. They can also create teams and add team members to those teams. A Team Admin can see their Team's results and data, as well as the Multi-Team level roll-ups for their team's Portfolio/Program if they are assigned to more than one team within that Portfolio/Program.

A Team Admin also has visibility to their Team's data on the Team Dashboard, Growth Items Dashboard, and Assessment Dashboard, if those dashboards are enabled.

NOTE: Company Feature Admins (see Company Admin section above) are able to turn on/off advanced permissions for Advanced Team Admins. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

For more in-depth information, view our Team Admin Role Guide

How do I add a Team Admin?

Important: Set up your Teams first. Then create Team Admins and assign their Teams to them.

In Manage Users, click on the Team Admin link and then click Add New to add a new Team Admin for your company.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 11.53.46 AM.png

  • You will be required to enter information that has a red asterisk next to the field. (I.E. First Name, Last Name, & Email address)
  • Upload a Photo – You may click on the “Upload a Photo” link to select a file from your computer to display when other team members see a user’s profile.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled for your company, this field allows you to select the user's preferred language. When available, the user will receive assessment emails in their selected language, as well as take an assessment in that language. If the selected language is not available, English will be used. This functionality is limited in AgilityHealth currently but we are continuously working on enabling translations throughout the platform. Users can update the language selection in their profile, once logged into AgilityHealth.
  • My Skills – This will show what skill sets the user is proficient in and will help others within an organization better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • LinkedIn – This tab will display a link to the user's LinkedIn profile so others within an organization can view their professional background and better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • Notify User – This will send the user an email inviting them to join AgilityInsights®. This can be sent at a later date if you leave the box unchecked. 
  • Filter By - You can search and filter multi-teams and enterprise teams by team name. Select all the teams this user should have access to by clicking on the team name. 

Click Save and Add New if you have more Team Admins to add. Click Save and Close if you are finished.

If the user is already in AgilityInsights® as a Company Admin, an Org Leader or a Business Line Admin, you will get a Change Role Rights pop up. Please visit the Change Role Rights section of this article for more information. 

Individual Team Members

Who is a Team Member?

An Individual is a Team Member, but typically not a Scrum Master, who will be taking a team-level assessment and needs access to view their team's results, as well as manage growth items on their team's growth plan. When a member is added to a team, they will automatically show up in the Individuals tab after they create their account. This happens either after they submit assessment results and receive an email to create their account, or if the Team Access button is clicked when the team member was added to a team. A user can be both an Individual and another role in AgilityInsights®.

Learn how to add team members to a team by visiting our Setting up and Managing Teams article. 


Do I set up our Agile Coaches in the Coach section of Manage Users?

A Coach generally refers to an Agile Coach inside your company but they can have a few different roles within AgilityInsights®. Oftentimes, an Agile Coach is set up as a Business Line Admin, so they can analyze team and business line radar results to help provide coaching in the necessary areas, as well as provide facilitation skill training to AgilityHealth® Facilitators.

Agile Coaches are also often AgilityHealth® Facilitators themselves and participate in advanced AgilityInsights® Training enabling them to facilitate Continuous Improvement Readout and Planning Sessions for Leaders, along with the Enterprise Business Agility Radar and additional Radars such as Servant Leadership. 

If a Coach is going to be a special reviewer on Talent Development/Individual 360 Radars or be available in the Coaching section of the Growth Portal, they will need to be added to the Coach section under Manage Users, in addition to their other user role.

If you choose to set someone up as a Coach and they are not already an AgilityInsights® user, they will automatically be created as an Individual as well. 

Both Talent Development/Individual 360 Radars and the Growth Portal are features that your company will need to have enabled if they are not already enabled. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

What does a Coach do?

  • Agile Coaches within your organization are set up in AgilityInsights® as a user first (e.g. Business Line Admin or another role) and can also then be listed in this Coaches category to appear as a resource in the Growth Portal (if your company has this feature enabled).
  • If your company is using Talent Development/Individual 360 Radars, a coach set up in the Manage Users Coaches category and then selected as an Added Coach when setting up an Talent Development/Individual 360 Radar assessment will allow the Coach to review the radar results and assist the individual in making their growth plan.
  • If you would like an Agile Coach to participate in a team-level assessment and view their results separately from the team, you would add them as a team member into the team being assessed and then select Agile Coach from the Role drop-down. This will allow their results to show as a dotted line on the detail view for a results radar and they will not be averaged into the team's aggregate results.
  • View more information for Coaches here including how to facilitate a Multi-Team Growth Strategy workshop, an Enterprise Business Agility Assessment and a SAFe Radar Assessment.

How do I add a Coach?

In Manage Users, click on the Coach link and then click Add New to add a new Coach for your company.


  • You will be required to enter information that has a red asterisk next to the field. (I.E. First Name, Last Name, & Email address)
  • Upload a Photo – You may click on the “Upload a Photo” link to select a file from your computer to display when other team members see a user’s profile.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled for your company, this field allows you to select the user's preferred language. When available, the user will receive assessment emails in their selected language, as well as take an assessment in that language. If the selected language is not available, English will be used. This functionality is limited in AgilityHealth currently but we are continuously working on enabling translations throughout the platform. Users can update the language selection in their profile, once logged into AgilityHealth.
  • My Skills – This will show what skill sets the user is proficient in and will help others within an organization better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • LinkedIn – This tab will display a link to the user's LinkedIn profile so others within an organization can view their professional background and better understand where the user can be of most use.
  • Bio - This will allow the Coach to talk about their background and experience in coaching teams toward success through Agile methodologies and/or some fun facts about themselves.

Click Save and Add New if you have more Coaches to add. Click Save and Close if you are finished.

A Coach can be added to the Coach section under Manage Users, in addition to another user role. If you choose to set someone up as a Coach and they are not already an AgilityInsights® user, they will automatically be created as an Individual as well. 

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