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Enterprise Agility: Overall Metrics Widgets

This article is part of our series on the Features and Functionality of the Enterprise Agility Dashboard. We've broken each area down for you, into shorter articles.

Learn how the data in each widget is calculated by downloading the Rules document at the bottom of this article. 

Overall Metrics

EA Overall Metrics 4/19/24

The row of overall metrics widgets helps you understand how many active teams using AgilityInsights have completed one or more assessments, the rate of team member and stakeholder participation in assessments, and the radars being utilized. 

Items to note:

  • Only data from completed assessments will be loaded. A completed assessment means the end/close date of the assessment has passed and responses have been submitted.
  • Data from talent development assessments is omitted. This dashboard, like our other Insights dashboards, is focused on team-based assessments.
  • Only teams with at least one team member are included.

All Active Teams

This widget shows how many active (non-archived or deleted) teams exist for the selected team level (excludes teams with the work type of Group of Individuals, as well as Multi-teams, Enterprise teams, and N-Tier/Outcome teams). This widget is static and will not change based on the date filters.

The pie chart reflects the number of active teams that completed one, two, and more than two assessments or have not completed any assessments.

Assessment Count

This widget displays the total number of assessments completed for the selected team level in the time between the From and To dates, along with the number and percentage of completion rate for team members and stakeholders that were invited. Not all assessments have stakeholders. 

Radar Usage

The Radar Usage widget displays the number of assessments completed for each radar type (non-Talent Development radars).

Count Column

  • The number of completed assessments for the time between the From and To dates for the radar.

Frequency in Months Column

  • Calculated for each team with more than 1 assessment in the time between the From and To dates.
  • Calculation: Number of months between first & last assessment / (Number of assessments - 1)
    • If the first and last assessments are in the same month, the number of months between the first & last assessment is set to 1. The result is the average of each team’s number of months.

TSLA: Time Since Last Assessment (in months) Column

  • Calculated from the assessment end date.
  • The average value of every team with at least one assessment.
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